Ice Sharks (2016)

A group of scientists at a research facility based on Antarctica battle a breed of sharks that have invaded Antarctic waters.

Ice Sharks, from 2016, is another of the more really fun 'The Asylum' movies, and one of the rare ones I hadn't seen before, so it was a pleasant surprise that I enjoyed it as much as I did and had me questioning myself on how I could have gone so long without checking it out.

I loved that the action took place out in the middle of the arctic on a sinking research platform, it was a nice change from the usual ‘summer coastal town’ setting that most of these types of movies are set at, and even though the CGI was spotty in a few places, that’s to be expected from The Asylum. What surprised me is that the CGI actually looked pretty damn decent a lot of the time other than those few moments.

It also included a really good pace filled with lots of different and fun (also occasionally gory!) attack and chase scenes, never feeling repetitive which is a slump that quite a lot of killer shark movies fall into.

My only issue with this one, speaking as an Asylum fanboy anyway, is with the characters. They were all acted well but I felt not enough was done with the characterization. Pretty much all of them, including the main ones, felt quite plain, forgettable, and interchangeable from one another. 

That aside however, Ice Sharks managed to be one hell of a good time, and speaking as someone that watches a lot of these movies, this one did everything else just right, and managed to still feel fresh despite being the hundredth or so killer shark movie made by The Asylum and the SyFy Channel.

9/10 rooms in the Psych Ward


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