Boar (2018)
A young family finds themselves in the Australian Outback, being hunted by a gigantic bloodthirsty wild pig. REVIEW: Creature Features have always been my favorite type of B-Movie, so I always try to make a point of watching new ones when they come out. Boar is, quite honestly, nothing too special if you watch a lot of these types of movies, as it doesn't really do anything different or unique. However, sometimes I'm not looking for something different, sometimes something familiar is exactly what I need. Plus with all the killer shark, snake, spider, crocodile/alligator movies that make up 90% of the creature feature market, the fact that its a gigantic killer boar is enough of a visual change-up from the norm for me to make me fine with the fact that everything else about it feels so familiar. The Boar itself is almost always done with a practical animatronic as well, which looked fantastic and creepy as hell, even if its movements looked a bit too rob...